August 19 - 23, 2013 ten Pittsburgh Area
High School Students will be experiencing a five-day adventure learning trip to Yellowstone National Park. The trip is sponsored by Park Journeys, Inc. a Pittsburgh based organization that provides these types of opportunities to Manchester Bidwell Corporation’s network of National Centers of Arts and Technology.

Follow their journey here! Please share with your family and friends and we would love to hear your comments.

Additionally, check out our archives for the Cincinnati Delegate team comments. They visited Yellowstone with Park Journeys July 29 - August 3.

Monday, July 29, 2013

Monday - Josh

Hi this is Josh, today I had a great flight here and it was my first time flying on the plane. Today we reviewed all the things that we are going to do over these six days. We also got to walk around and experience some great things with our five senses, seeing, touching, hearing, tasting. The thing I look forward to the most is wildlife. I say this because I really enjoy animals and would love to have a close up encounter with them. I am really ready to climb this mountain, I really enjoy things such as this so I know that this is something that I am going to enjoy.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent plane photo - I love the yellow you captured on the horizon! Keep up the enthusiasm!
