August 19 - 23, 2013 ten Pittsburgh Area
High School Students will be experiencing a five-day adventure learning trip to Yellowstone National Park. The trip is sponsored by Park Journeys, Inc. a Pittsburgh based organization that provides these types of opportunities to Manchester Bidwell Corporation’s network of National Centers of Arts and Technology.

Follow their journey here! Please share with your family and friends and we would love to hear your comments.

Additionally, check out our archives for the Cincinnati Delegate team comments. They visited Yellowstone with Park Journeys July 29 - August 3.

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Cincinnati CATC - Lauren - Day 3

A different perspective... I was hiking up to Trout Lake today in the wonderful Yellowstone National Park and everything was just so perfect. It was by far my favorite place. 

As I was walking I saw a fallen tree and with the help of my camera I wanted to capture the tree from a view point that would show more than just a slowly decaying hunk of wood. So I did; my point? I wanted everyone to see it from a different perspective, because you’ll find that everything is beautiful in its own way. So unique and special, sometimes you just go to look a little harder.

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