August 19 - 23, 2013 ten Pittsburgh Area
High School Students will be experiencing a five-day adventure learning trip to Yellowstone National Park. The trip is sponsored by Park Journeys, Inc. a Pittsburgh based organization that provides these types of opportunities to Manchester Bidwell Corporation’s network of National Centers of Arts and Technology.

Follow their journey here! Please share with your family and friends and we would love to hear your comments.

Additionally, check out our archives for the Cincinnati Delegate team comments. They visited Yellowstone with Park Journeys July 29 - August 3.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Pittsburgh MCG - Brian - Day 3

Good news everyone!!! Today was our wildlife day, which means that we were stopping every other mile to look at herds of bison. Seeing a bison up close through a spotting scope is amazing.  Sometimes we didn’t even need the scope as they were ten feet away from our bus.  We even got up close to a herd of elk near our cabin.  It was amusing to look them in the eye and try to think what they were thinking.  We hiked up to trout lake and debated about whether bison should be allowed to leave Yellowstone park.  Then we went home, and did our team building exercises.  Then we got goofy and started lifting each-other up. I am confident that we will make it to Bunsen peak with ease tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Maybe they're thinking "I looked one of the hairless apes right in the eyes and thought 'I wonder what he's thinking.'" I love your compassion for the wildlife.
