August 19 - 23, 2013 ten Pittsburgh Area
High School Students will be experiencing a five-day adventure learning trip to Yellowstone National Park. The trip is sponsored by Park Journeys, Inc. a Pittsburgh based organization that provides these types of opportunities to Manchester Bidwell Corporation’s network of National Centers of Arts and Technology.

Follow their journey here! Please share with your family and friends and we would love to hear your comments.

Additionally, check out our archives for the Cincinnati Delegate team comments. They visited Yellowstone with Park Journeys July 29 - August 3.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Pittsburgh MCG - Kristen - Day 2

This morning I had to setup breakfast with Claire (another girl on the trip and one of my roommates). We had Cereal, yogurt, hardboiled eggs and fruit. After breakfast we finished getting ready to go and left for Yellowstone. On the way we stopped at the Roosevelt Arch. The top of the arch said “For the benefit and enjoyment of the people.” We then drove through the arch towards Yellowstone. On the way to Old Faithful we saw a Bison. We stopped and took pictures. It was a lone male. Our next stop before Old Faithful was, Roaring Mountain, a fumarole (the hottest type of thermal features).  When we got to Old Faithful’s parking lot the geyser went off. We went inside and started our civic engagement project. I had to talk to this lady named Ellen (Michele made me because we all were not doing anything). She was from New Jersey, and it was her 2nd time there. After I finished the project I ate lunch. After everyone was done we went and waited for the geyser to go off. It wasn’t what I expected to be. I might have been due to the wind blowing the steam towards us. After that we went on a hike to get a better view of Grand Prismatic. The steep hill up was worth it and we ended up seeing a ground squirrel which we thought was a chipmunk. After that we headed back to the cabin. On the way back the traffic was slowish. It turned out there were two long horned sheep. Then we came back to the cabin and had Pasta for dinner. Now we are resting before out “team building” exercise 8 (10pm in PA).

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